Acupressure Points for Sleepiness, Drowsiness & Narcolepsy

This article covers a Drowsiness & Narcolepsy routine including an easy how-to video and fully illustrated text. Further down this page, you’ll find instructions on Daily Exercise and Dietary Considerations.

Many people become sleepy at inappropriate times. This could be at school, at home, or even at work, when you need to concentrate or you could lose your job. It could be while driving a car, which of course is dangerous. When you feel drowsy and need to be alert, then Acupressure and Yogic breathing can stimulate your metabolism without drugs.

Natural & Holistic Resources
I’m going to give you essential details to counteract chronic fatigue and sleep disorders with a comprehensive, holistic approach. This includes using diet, exercise, breathing techniques, and Acupressure Therapy. These methods can increase your energy and help you feel better!

Narcolepsy has a range of severity.
This chronic sleep disorder occurs when your brain is unable to regulate the systems that help you stay awake. Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS) is an overwhelming drowsiness which occurs during the daylight hours.

Acupressure Therapy and the special breathing techniques that I’m teaching you can help increase your energy and help you feel better. This self-care approach gives you a way to help yourself any day, and any time — empowering you to improve your own health.

B 23 & B 47 Points

St 36 Vitality Points

Both Relief & Prevention These Acupressure points can be used to relieve narcolepsy and drowsiness. It’s vital to note that these methods can also be used to prevent drowsiness and narcoleptic occurrences. Acupressure balances the brain’s neurotransmitters and overall chemistry by stimulating these potent therapeutic pressure points.


Narcolepsy & Drowsiness
Acupressure Points Routine

Use the following Acupressure points and breathing techniques for rejuvenation and to balance your nervous system and metabolism naturally. You do not have to practice all six techniques, as using even one or two of them can be effective.

Some of these techniques include swift, deep breaths through the nose, which stimulate the nervous system, then an exhale through the nose or mouth. Try all six and use what works best for you any time you need to increase your energy.

GV 26 Point for Alertness

GB 20 Mental Clarity Point

1. Press GV 26 firmly, and make a swift inhalation through the nose, then exhale. Repeat 3 times.

2. Press GB 20, under your skull. Take three rapid inhalations in a row through the nose as you tilt your head back. Exhale as your head comes up. Repeat 3 times.

3. Scratch GB 20 with your nails for about a minute.

4. Practice the Deep Breathing Exercise: “Upholding Heaven with Two Hands”
Stand with your feet comfortably apart or sit up straight in a chair. Interlace your fingers and inhale deeply as you raise your arms up, let your head tilt back, and stretch upwards, palms facing up. Exhale as you let your head come up and your arms float back down. Repeat 3 times.

5. Briskly Rub Your Lower Back (B 23 and B 47) with the backs of your hands for about a minute.

6. Rub St 36, below your knees, with your knuckles, for about a minute. You can do both sides or one side at a time.

Daily Exercise

Aerobic exercise is well known to help with narcolepsy. Examples are dancing, swimming, jogging, running, and biking, done for 20 minutes a day. If these activities are too strenuous, a brisk walk once or twice a day can also be very beneficial for counteracting drowsiness. Aerobic exercise and walking increase your body’s strength and endurance and improve your metabolism. They release hormones that promote overall energy and alertness.

Exercise Timing
Be sure to exercise at least four to five hours before bedtime.


Dietary Considerations

Your diet can affect your energy levels, and can enhance or hinder Acupressure’s balancing process. Certain foods many be difficult for your system to metabolize and can contribute to narcolepsy. Avoid processed foods with sugar, white flour products, and excessively rich foods. Eat more fresh, healthy, whole foods and especially more green vegetables, both raw and lightly cooked.

Dietary Timing
Avoid caffeine and alcohol late in the day. Avoid eating large, heavy meals before bedtime.


Recommended Healing Resources

To rejuvenate your energy, boost your immune system, develop greater vitality, and enable your body to have more healing energy, here are a number of resources for you.

One cause of narcolepsy and drowsiness is poor quality sleep. Acupressure points and techniques can enable you to improve your sleep, with the Sleep Better Audio. Also learn how to boost your energy system in just ten minutes with the Increase Vitality Self-Healing CD.

Increase Vitality Audio
Increase Vitality Audio
To learn more about narcolepsy check out
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke