Less Stress: Qigong Breathing Exercises

Acupressure & Qi Gong Breathing Exercises

Less Stress presents a 20-minute rejuvenating set of breathing exercises in a standing position that can be practiced anytime, anywhere. Boost your immune system and increase your vitality. Learn an easy Qi Gong deep breathing routine that can make you feel so much better.

The second track presents a 10-minute self-acupressure quick pick-me-up routine. Discover how to use three potent acupressure points on yourself to further strengthen your energy system. The health benefits are tremendous.

3-day Rental: $4.95

Download: $14.95

DVD: $19.95

27 minutes

Discover how to use three acupressure points to strengthen your immune system and develop your healing energy. By using this program once or twice a day to practice these Ancient Chinese breathing exercises, known as Qigong (chee-gong) you can counteract:

  • Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia
  • Depression & Overwhelm
  • Anxiety & Panic Attacks
  • Sugar Cravings
  • Recovery from Surgery or an Accident
  • PTSD & Trauma & Substance Abuse

Breathing deeply into your lungs stimulates the respiratory system, revitalizes the metabolism and invigorates the blood. This self-healing practice will boost your immune system and give you more vitality instead of the shallow breathing, sluggishness and fatigue most people experience daily. These deep breathing exercises naturally increase your feeling of aliveness, balance metabolism, hormonal imbalances and can relieve sugar cravings.

Less Stress provides clear instructions and the proper timing necessary to practice these therapeutic movements correctly, along with inspiration and support to counteract stress.