12 Meridian Visualizations – mp3

This audio program teaches the 12 meridians, their correspondences and pathways of Acupressure Therapy’s healing energy system.

Learn the Meridian Pathways: by playing these instructional audio programs over and over again. You’ll learn the Meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine for understanding holistic healing relationships within the body.

Full content of the two audio programs within this package listed below:


Part 1: The 12 Meridian Visualization Program offers guided imagery of each meridian’s route, related body parts, behaviors and emotions. It contains each meridian’s pathway, its colors, tastes, and seasons. Discover the course of each meridian’s functions and and traditional associations within these six meridian pairs:

  1. Lung & Large Intestine Meridian – Visualization & Associations
  2. Stomach & Spleen Meridian – Visualization & Associations
  3. Heart & Small Intestine Meridian – Visualization & Associations
  4. Bladder & Kidney Meridian – Visualization & Associations
  5. Pericardium & Triple Warm Meridian – Visualization & Associations
  6. Liver & Gall Bladder Meridian – Visualization & Associations

Part 2: Acu-Yoga Meridian Balancing Exercises with Self-Acupressure & Guided Healing combines yoga with breathing exercises, acupressure points and deep relaxation. In this part of the program, you’ll receive an integration of Yoga Postures, movements, deep breathing, Acupressure point stimulation and deep relaxation for the following six parts on:

  1. Lung & Large Intestine Meridian – Acu-Yoga Balancing Exercises
  2. Stomach & Spleen Meridian – Acu-Yoga Balancing Exercises
  3. Heart & Small Intestine Meridian – Acu-Yoga Balancing Exercises
  4. Bladder & Kidney Meridian – Acu-Yoga Balancing Exercises
  5. Pericardium & Triple Warm Meridian – Acu-Yoga Balancing Exercises
  6. Liver & Gall Bladder Meridian – Acu-Yoga Balancing Exercises