Acupressure for Learning Disorders: ADD, ADHD & Dyslexia

I suffered from learning difficulties and dyslexia as a child. I experienced the anxieties, fears, and humiliation from not being able to read and spell like other kids. The fears I experienced as a child were devastating.

— Michael Reed Gach
It’s been very fulfilling for me to teach Acupressure to young children. I show them how Acupressure can help you think more clearly and be more creative and powerful. It heightens their ability to learn. I’m excited to show children practical methods to heal themselves — techniques they can use for the rest of their lives.

Many kids are living in a stressful world without enough quality attention, love, acknowledgment, healthy boundaries, or trustworthy personal interactions. This commonly leads to learning problems and behavioral disorders. To say it bluntly, many kids’ need are unsupported. Also, they eat junk foods, contributing to being ungrounded and hyper.

With ADD and ADHD, you’ll see hyperactive children fidgeting and squirming around. The impulsiveness of ADD and ADHD often results in outbursts, tantrums, and a lack of self-control. The emotional pain and trauma experienced in early childhood creates distrust, defense mechanisms, and eventually leads to behavioral disorders. Diet imbalances can also have a major influence along with psychological difficulties, which reinforce how a child reacts and develops.

Acupressure’s healing touch can have a significant role in treating ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, and other learning disorders. Acupressure offers children a healthy method of releasing stress and fear and balancing their energy. Combining Acupressure with good nutrition, exercise, and postive affirmation of their worth can make a tremendous difference.

Both children and adults with learning disorders can benefit from these health-promoting practices. If a child or adult has racing thoughts or difficulty concentrating, use the dietary guidelines below along with this simple Acupressure routine. Do it two times daily for a month to discover the full benefits. Be sure to breathe slowly and deeply while holding these points.

Acupressure for ADD, ADHD & Learning Disorders

The following point formula balances the body’s energy to counteract learning disorders. It works on the essential Governing and Conception Vessel pathways. When a child has a learning disorder, ADD, or ADHD, the child’s energy system jams, making it extremely difficult for the child to think clearly.

Using the following points will rebalance a child’s energy flow and also the hormones that affect the chemistry of a child’s brain. This routine has a calming effect. It can relieve anxiety, overwhelm, stress, and racing thoughts.

Have the child sit comfortably in a chair for the following steps:

3rd Eye Point
For Mental Clarity

1. Hold GV 20 with GV 24.5. Place the right hand on the Hundred Meeting point (GV 20, on the top of your head) and your left hand at the Third Eye point (GV 24.5). Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths. Breathe deeply for about two minutes.

Holding the top of head
with the 3rd Eye

2. Touch GV 20 with CV 17. Move your left hand to the Sea of Tranquility (CV 17, located at the center of the breastbone). Continue to breathe deeply into your heart for a minute.

3. Breathe Deeply. Rest your hands, one over the other in your lap, with your palms facing up, allowing your eyes to be closed. Let your shoulders relax down. Make your breath slow, even, and deep, and relax your body for a couple of minutes.

Benefits: This Acupressure Point Formula is a quick routine good for relieving headaches, racing thoughts, anxiety, depression, stress, and hormonal imbalances. It’s good for emotional and mental health at any age — to clear your mind, focus, concentrate, and even meditate for peace of mind.

Dietary Guidelines to Use with Acupressure Therapy

* Limit all sugars in foods, including breakfast cereals, snacks, sodas, candy, and even excessive intake of unsweetened fruit juices and fruits high in sugar, as all these can cause problems in sensitive children.

* Junk Foods. Avoid giving children soda pop, fries, and other “junk foods” that are empty calories without nutrition. You’re not depriving a child, you’re caring for them. Explain to young children how junk foods weaken and imbalance the body. Most children understand that eating too much sugar can cause a tummy ache. They can be taught that they’d feel better without eating lots of junk food, and eventually make this connection themselves. This can lead to making wise choices in life.

Learning Acupressure and deep breathing enabled me to deal with my emotional trauma and gave me determination to help others. I earned my Elementary Teaching Credential while studying Acupressure.

These learning difficulties still made writing a struggle for me. However, I persisted, so that I was able to complete Acu-Yoga, my first book, which integrates Yoga with Acupressure. Twenty years later, I wrote Acupressure for Emotional Healing. Along with guidance on emotions, it includes a chapter on healthy eating.

Acupressure References for Going Further

  • Acupressure for Emotional Healing — This comprehensive healing manual shows you how to use Acupressure for many different emotional difficulties. It includes specific point formulas, healing affirmations, and 400 illustrations of Acupressure points and routines. The chapter discussing dietary concerns also includes Acupressure exercises.
  • Greater Energy at Your Fingertips — This book has a chapter with extensive information on nutrition and healthy eating, including recipes.
  • Touching Emotions — This is an instructional Video for health professionals and massage therapists interested in using Acupressure for emotional healing and dealing with trauma.
  • GV 26 for Learning Disorders & Clear Thinking shows you another important Acupressure point to use for mental focus and emotional balance.