Do you know those knots between your shoulder blades? Those knots are blocked Acupressure points. Releasing them can bring healing energy to benefit your lungs, heart, and emotions.
Physical Aid for the Heart These Acupressure points, located on both sides of your spine, can relieve hypertension and help balance your blood pressure.
Emotional Benefits & More These points can be healing for heartaches, emotional pain, anxiety, depression, sadness, grief and emotional numbness.
These upper back points also benefit the lungs, relieving asthma and chest congestion. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Lung Meridian is related to grief and sadness. Whatever balances the lungs can also be healing for emotional wounds.
Improved Sleep In addition, these Acupressure back points relieve sleep disorders. For additional natural methods to promote sleep, here’s my Sleep Better Audio Program. My voice will guide you in four easy routines to both relieve and prevent insomnia.
Methods for Releasing Tension Here are details about how to use self-care to release these Acupressure points. I’ll also give you tips about getting help from others.
Self-Care for Upper Back Points
Make a Back Roller Since these healing points are very difficult to reach, I suggest that you make a Back Roller. It’s easy to do, simply using a couple of tennis balls or small rubber balls, a sock, and a hand towel.
Place the two balls in a sock so that they’re an inch or so apart. Use twist-ties or string to (1) tie between the balls so they stay an inch apart, and (2) tie the end, so that the balls stay firmly in place. To cushion them, roll the balls up in a hand towel, making a large cylinder.
How to Use the Back Roller Lie down on your back on your bed, placing the Back Roller underneath your upper back, between your shoulder blades. The balls should be on either side of your spine. Bend your knees with your feet flat on the bed. Close your eyes and slowly roll the balls to different positions on your upper back, as you breathe deeply. Continue for a few minutes, then remove the Back Roller. Stay on your back for the Deep Relaxation described next.
— If you need more pressure, then use the Back Roller on a carpeted surface on the floor.
— If you need less pressure, or if your back pain flares up afterwards, then place another plush folded towel or soft pillow between your back and the Roller.
End with Deep Relaxation Cover yourself with a sheet or blanket and deeply relax with your eyes closed immediately afterwards, for at least ten minutes. Continue to breathe deeply as you tell yourself to completely relax.
Imagine that each deep inhalation is giving your body the vital oxygen it needs to regain its strength, balance, and good health.
Timing for the Deep Relaxation You can gradually increase the length of time you massage the points, as long as you increase the time you relax. Be sure to relax two or three times more than the time you practiced. If you use the Back Roller on your back points for five minutes, then deeply relax for ten to fifteen minutes.
Most people don’t know that deep relaxation is the key for healing yourself after practicing or receiving Acupressure.
For best results, press these points 2 or 3 times a day for several weeks. Once you obtain some relief, continue to press them just once a day or every other day, to maintain your progress and to prevent further back pain.
Getting Help from Others
You can ask a friend or partner to help you with upper back tension. The easiest way for them to find these points is to feel for muscular knots in your upper back, between your shoulder blades. The tension can be released by gradually pressing right on the tight spots. The Acupressure points are located directly underneath each knot.
These tense areas may be quite tender and sore at first. Have the person maintain steady, gentle pressure for one or two minutes on each point. You should breathe slowly and deeply while the points are held. Remember to end with the Deep Relaxation described under the Self-Care section above.
For Professional Help If you have any of the problems I mentioned above, try an Acupressure Therapist, Shiatsu Practitioner, or an Asian Bodywork Therapist. To see if any located near you, go to AOBTA, the American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia, and click on the Practitioner Directory to do a Search.
If you can’t find a practitioner, or can’t afford to pay, just ask a friend or follow my self-care directions above.
More Acupressure Resources
Acupressure Pain Relief is a fully-illustrated self-care guide. Its many photos and diagrams help you easily learn how to use Acupressure to both relieve and prevent pain in all areas of the body. It’s available both as a eBook and as a printed book.
The Bum Back Book, available as an eBook, provides many natural methods to deal with back pain.
The Sleep Better audio program is available both as an mp3 download and a CD. I will guide you in simple stretches, Self-Acupressure, gentle eye movements, deep breathing, and creative visualizations.