Ancient Chinese Sexology
Acupressure for Lovers fortifies fertility and sexual endurance, enhances sexual arousal and pleasure, and promotes intimacy.
Lovers have the advantage of stimulating the Acupressure points with full body embraces, kisses, and the secrets of touch.
Learn special Acupressure Points for heightening the connection of your love relationship and your spiritual awareness.
The book – Acupressure for Lovers, and the 40 minute Video – Acupressure for Lovers, present specific lover’s points, how to find and touch them, and their benefits. The book is a comprehensive resource, and also provides answers for sexual problems such as inhibited sexual desire, premature ejaculation, impotency, infertility, and sexual frustration. It provides a deep understanding of where sexual energy gets blocked and what points to use to release it.
Achieve deeper sexual communication, intimacy, and spirituality, and
learn Acupressure techniques to unleash the dynamic force of love.
Click Here to Learn a Point for Deepening Erotic Pleasure