Cold Prevention & Immune Boosting Points (TW 15, SI 14)

When a cold is about to come on, you get a slight aching feeling in your shoulders. This is when Acupressure can effectively come to the rescue. You’ll use two points located on the shoulders, just above the tip of your shoulder blades. Firm pressure on points TW 15 and SI 14 is great for immune boosting and preventing colds.

Using tennis balls to press the immune boosting points

You can hold these points by curving your hand over your shoulder and using all your fingertips to feel for a tense area above and inside the upper tip of your shoulder blades. Then let your arm relax down and breathe deeply, as you hold the points for two to three minutes.

Or use the tennis ball method. I have a special suggestion for you. Here’s a way to stimulate these points and fully relax at the same time. Lie down and place tennis balls under the points. This way, you can relax while the weight of your body does the work of pressing the points.

Breathe deeply as these points are pressed for two to three minutes. Then remove the tennis balls and let yourself totally relax with your eyes closed for another five minutes. This will help you gain the full benefits and allow your body’s energy to balance.

These Acupressure points (TW 15 & SI 14) are great for preventing colds, especially as soon as you feel a cold coming on. They also boost your immune system and relieve shoulder tension and feelings of stress.