Acupressure on Sp 4 for Digestion,
Foot Cramps or Cold Feet

Sp 4, known as the “Grandparent – Grandchild” point, is also good for balancing hypoglycemia, inhibits the herpes virus, and energetically harmonizes the Stomach, Spleen and Pancreas. Sp 4 invigorates your digestion. This is also an excellent point for curtailing food cravings. This is one of the great healing Acupressure points for increasing circulation and balancing your digestive system.

This Acupressure point has many physical and emotional benefits. It calms restlessness and anxiety; balances food cravings, worry, and overwhelm; and relieves appetite imbalances, indigestion, bloating, edema, PMS, menstrual cramps, foot cramps, and cold feet. Use Sp 4 if you have one or more of these complaints.

Click on the video to learn how to find and press these helpful Acupressure points.

Sp 4 is in the upper arch of the foot, one thumb-width from the ball of the foot.

How to Press Sp 4
I usually use my thumb to press this Acupressure point. Put your left ankle on your right knee, and use your left thumb to hold the point on your left foot. Your fingers will be on the opposite side of your foot. Slowly press the point, and hold for 1-2 minutes, breathing deeply. Gradually release the point, and then switch and do the other foot.

Alternate Method
You can also tape an almond, kidney or Lima bean on your Sp 4 Acupressure points, on both sides. Then cover them with a sock when you’re wearing shoes.

Slowly build up the time you wear the beans on both sides within your shoes. (Just don’t let them tell you that you’re full of beans!) You might wear the taped bean or almond on the point for an hour or so to start. After a week, you can wear it for two hours. After another week, build up to about three hours. That way, you’re gradually increasing the amount of time you stimulate these Acupressure points.

Why Sp 4 Works
These Acupressure points balance the Earth Element, helping you feel grounded and more present on the Earth. Sp 4 also harmonizes the Stomach and Spleen Meridians, which govern digestion and your body’s ability to function in harmony and be well.

Prevention and Relief
What’s so exciting about using Acupressure points is that they are safe, they prevent thousands of health disorders without side effects, and they are so accessible and easy to learn. You can use Sp 4 to both prevent and relieve the array of symptoms listed above.