Acupressure Basics
Fundamentals for Beginners

Learn the principles and methods of Acupressure Therapy in three informative articles.
Discover how the points work and how to use them effectively
for preventive health care and common ailments.

Chart of head acupressure points.

Acupressure Points

The Keys to this Powerful Healing Work

Acupressure’s effectiveness is due to energy blockages on the Acupressure Points. Discover the guidelines for practicing Acupressure: the setting, clothing and food. Learn how to find the points, how to hold and use them including the timing. Point names and reference numbers are also covered.

Acupressure chart

Pressure Point Applications

How to Skillfully Apply Pressure to Acupressure Points

Pressure Points, also known as Acupressure Points, are effective at channeling healing energy. This is because the electrical resistance on the surface of the skin is lessened at these places. Therefore, the most potent healing energy work uses Acupressure Points to improve health and well-being.

Michael Reed Gach giving acupressure treatment.

Acupressure Styles, Methods & Forms

Learn How to Use Acupressure Point Techniques

This article offers a detailed, comprehensive look at how to use Acupressure. Topics to be covered include basic Acupressure methods, Acupressure techniques, how much pressure to use, Acupressure Meridians, and how to use deep breathing to enhance Acupressure.

Michael Reed Gach giving acupressure treatment.

Acupressure Therapy — Advanced Instruction

Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine

More advanced Acupressure principles and therapeutic point applications are presented within these teachings. Discover how to select specific Acupressure points, how Acupressure Therapy uses trigger points, pressure point levels for energy balancing, point pulses, and ending an Acupressure session.