Learn Acupressure
To heal yourself and others

Explore: Acupressure Benefits, Online Trainings & Courses,
Acupressure Books, Videos, Charts, Articles & Resources from A to Z.

Acupressure Point Therapy Relieves Pain, Stress & Common Ailments
for Self-Healing & Healing others through the Power of Touch.

Receive Free
Acupressure Articles & Videos

Learn how to relieve shoulder and neck tension,
headaches, anxiety, stress and pain.

Learn Practical Methods & Healing Points of Traditional Chinese Medicine with Hands-On Demonstrations

Acupressure Point Therapy Relieves:
Pain, Stress & Common Ailments for Self-Healing & Healing others through the Power of Touch
Michael Reed Gach
Video 1: 
Acupressure Stress
& Anxiety Relief
Michael Reed Gach
Video 2:
Acupressure Meridian Points
Michael Reed Gach
Video 3:
Acupressure’s Top Questions
Michael Reed Gach
Video 4:
7 Principles of Acupressure

These programs, personally taught by Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D., make it easy for you to learn and use Acupressure. Deepen your personal and professional growth. Discover details of these Acupressure home study video programs leading to certification.

Mastery Program

Learn the top 60 points,
Use them in point combos
and point formulas

5-Month Certified Training:

  • 35 Acupressure charts
  • Learn the top 60 major points
  • 50 videos – permission to download
  • Demos of Asian Bodywork
  • Learn to relieve 50 complaints
  • Points for Immune Boosting, Calming, Energy Balancing & Vitality Points
  • Approved for 28 CE hours
    NCBTMB #430548-00

Acupressure Solution

Learn to Relieve
100 Common Ailments

10-Week Course
One Year Access to:

  • 50 Online Instructional Videos
  • Self-Acupressure Stress & Pain Relief
  • Shoulders, Neck, Back & Legs
  • Digestive, Uro & Respiratory
  • Emotional, Energy & Immunity
  • Qigong Breathing Exercises for Longevity & Wellness
  • Approved for 18 CE hours
    NCBTMB #430548-0

Brain Power Points

Brain Health Training to improve memory and clear negative thought patterns

7-Week Course
One Year Access to:

  • Techniques to Awaken your Brain for greater memory & alertness
  • Balance the hemispheres of your brain
  • Mental Stress & Hormonal Points
  • Alzheimer & Dementia Preventative Acupressure Points
  • Brain Calming Points to counteract negative, racing thoughts
  • How to enhance your Spirituality

An ongoing online program covering 12 Meridians, their major points, formulas, 5 Elements, Qigong, and practical self-acupressure healing techniques. Join a global community of healers to learn, share, and grow.

Teaches: Source Points, Lo Points, Yu Points
100s of Self-Acupressure Healing Techniques
Acupressure Bodywork Therapy Skills
TCM Assessment & Applications

For Overeating

3-Day Online Course
To Relieve Stress & Overeating

  • Balance food cravings & emotional eating and counteract your programming to overeat
  • Three 1-hour Instructional Video Sessions from Michael Reed Gach
  • Learn Acupressure points and meridians to balance your appetite
  • Access to the Recordings and Downloadable Videos

Acupressure Meditations

Fully Guided Self-Healing
4-Week Online Course

  • Personal Support & Advice from Michael Reed Gach via Acupressure Meditation Forums
  • No Set Class Times – Review the videos at your convenience as often as you like during the course
  • Permission to Download All Course Materials and videos to have the rest of your life

The Stress Relief &
Immune Boosting Formula

7-Day Self-Healing
Online Home Program

Heighten your Resistance
to Colds, Flus & Viruses

A Special Online Self-Healing Program to Strengthen your Resistance to Illness, Release Fear Dissolve Stress & Anxiety using Acupressure Points

These range from healing the body and balancing the emotions to clearing the mind and enhancing the spirit, for both preventive care and creating vibrant health.

Tension &
Stress Relief

Relieving Pain


For Common Ailments

Healing Emotions &

Sexual Healing,
Pleasure & Intimacy

Optimal Health &

Healing Injuries &
Back Problems

Beauty & Toning

Spiritual Awareness &
Mental Clarity

By Michael Reed Gach, Ph.D.



Listen to self-healing audio Acupressure programs that you can use anytime, anywhere



Fully illustrated Acupressure books that offer a wealth of healing info



Shorter, handy Acupressure booklets with an abundance of illustrations


Charts & Flashcards

Full color Meridian Point Charts.
Home study Point & Meridian Flashcards



Downloadable products in digital form to have in your computer forever



Videos for rent, download, or DVD with demonstrations to empower your healing


Equipment to help support you locating the points


Discount Packs

Extensive home study materials to download to your computer

Acupressure Basics

Using Healing Touch with No Drugs or Side Effects

Learn the principles and methods of Acupressure Therapy in three informative articles. Discover how the points work and how to use them effectively for preventive health care and common ailments.

Acupressure was developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago. We now have the opportunity to use this ancient healing wisdom to improve the well-being of ourselves and others today.

Explore many Self-Acupressure topics with video routines and healing techniques. You’ll learn how to relieve common ailments and create optimal health by using the button below.

Acupressure for Healing Others
acupressure therapy
Self-Acupressure Healing
learn acupressure
Study many aspects of Acupressure, from using self-treatment for relieving common complaints, immune boosting, stress and pain relief to enhancing sexual intimacy.
Michael is an international expert on Acupressure Therapy and founder of Acupressure.com. In his many videos, his warm and engaging style of teaching has helped thousands of people learn how to improve their health naturally.

Contact Us

Let us know your interests in learning more about Acupressure through our Online Certified Trainings, and ask any questions.